On behalf of the Project Team, Somerset County is extending an invitation to residents and business owners who are located near the Picket Place Bridge to represent their community interests and participate in the Local Concept Development (LCD) Study for the rehabilitation or replacement of the Picket Place Bridge. The bridge carries Picket Place (CR 567) over the South Branch of the Raritan River and is located on the border of Branchburg and Hillsborough Townships, between River Road to the south and Pleasant Run Road to the north.

As a resident, business owner in the area, or user of the bridge you are a potential stakeholder.

The Project Team will be scheduling Community Stakeholders Meetings to present the project status and receive stakeholders’ input. The primary responsibilities of the stakeholders are to assist in identifying the project’s Purpose and Need, represent the interests of the community, and to assist in the development of conceptual alternatives and the recommendation of the Preliminary Preferred Alternative (PPA). The Project Team will also schedule and hold Public Information Centers (PIC) which will be open to the public.

At the initial Community Stakeholders Meeting, the Project Team will introduce the project, present the project information, discuss the bridge condition, and obtain input from the stakeholders on community interests and issues toward developing a draft Purpose and Need Statement. Following this meeting, the Project Team will hold an open house format PIC to present the Picket Place Bridge LCD Study and obtain input from the public on the Project Purpose and Need. The Project Team will take the input received from the stakeholders meeting and PIC and then develop conceptual alternatives which will be presented at a subsequent Community Stakeholders Meeting and PIC.

This survey is an opportunity to express your interest in becoming a stakeholder for this Study and to provide any information you wish to share with the Project Team.

If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact: Lili H. Tsu, Somerset County Project Manager, Tsu@co.somerset.nj.us,  908-231-7079

Your Contact Information

Your name (Required)

Your address

City/State/Zip Code

Phone number

Your Email (Required)

Your email address will only be used to inform you about study developments.

Do you have a preference for being contacted? Please check.


Picket Place Bridge - Community Survey

1Are you a local resident, business owner or both?

ResidentBusiness OwnerBothOther

[group question1a-other-selected]


2Which mode of transportation do you use most often when crossing the Picket Place Bridge?


[group question2a-other-selected]


3For what purpose do you cross the Picket Place Bridge?

Commute to WorkShoppingSchoolRecreational (bicycling/walking)Other

[group question3a-other-selected]


4What are key issues that should be considered as part of this study, as you see them?

Bridge AestheticsSafetyTraffic ImpactEnvironmental ImpactLightingOther

[group question5a-other-selected]


5Are you interested in becoming a stakeholder representing your neighborhood, organization, business, or yourself?


6Any other suggestions or comments you wish to share about the project or this community meeting?

7Would you be interested in receiving more information (email, websites, social media etc.) about the project as the bridge study progresses?


[group question8a-other-selected]


8Are any special provisions needed for you to attend a meeting such as mobility, hearing, visual or language assistance?


[group question9a-other-selected]
